Cross-platform and Multi-screen Interaction Experience Design Trend

In the era of orthodox cars, we pay more attention to the driving rather than the experience when talking about driving experience. With the continuous development of the aided driving and automatic driving, the driving is no longer a necessary option, and people more concern about the experience. As the most important carrier of content + information display, the improvement of the screen has never stopped no matter in smart phones or cars.

The traditional instrument panel, central control screen and in-car entertainment system terminal will be upgraded and integrated, and there will be more and more in the car. The cockpit electronics with full LCD instrument, central control, HUD, transparent A-pillar, sunroof and window will bring more intelligent and safe interactive experience.

Multi-screen linkage

There may be many reasons for the changes in larger screen and multi-screen, such as the higher entertainment requirements of passengers, higher requirements of drivers for the operational experience of driving, etc., but the main reasons for the change are as follows:

1. Instrument: the key information is not prominent; it pays more attention to the speed per hour when driving on the expressway; the fault prompt is too simple and crude

2. Infotainment system: it cannot operate multiple tasks simultaneously; the switch function level is deep; the parallel tasks cannot be well displayed at the same time.

Advantages of Larger Screen and Multi-screen

1. The advantages of the larger digital instrument include more direct information transmission, less vision shift, enhanced operability, better assistance and more personalized settings.

2. The benefits of larger screen and multi-screen in infotainment system include comprehensive information acquisition, multi-task execution and less levels.

Advantages of Larger Screen and Multi-screen

Mainstream Screen Layout

Just like the change of mobile phone from feature phone to smart phone, with the increasing needs of people, the displayer in the car also has various changes from the screen materials, the spatial layout of the screen to the diversity of the screen modeling, which will step by step raise the design to a new height and create a sense of luxury and technology in the interior.

At present, the mainstream screen layout is the overall horizontal screen or vertical screen space layout. More screens make the screen more diverse and free.

Mainstream Screen Layout

With the diversification and intelligence of the information display, and the demand of in-car entertainment and information synchronization, the multi-screen interaction is essential. All screens are connected in the way of information sharing, so that all screens can realize the interconnection and intercommunication of the information. In the future, multi-screen linkage or cross-screen linkage will combine more technical screens, so that users can get a better life experience in the car.

1、Advantages of multi-screen interaction

① Larger display area: multi-screen provides a larger display area than a single touch screen, showing more data and information.

② Rich contents: the multi-screen linkage system not only displays various information contents, but also provides strong interaction according to the user needs.

③ Strong personalized demand: it can be customized according to the customer needs, such as the linkage of cockpit display and rear seat display, etc., to improve the entertainment interaction of passengers.

2、Multi-screen mode

Local multi-screen mode - drivers can select the display mode of the instrument panel screen according to their own needs, and passengers can view the information on the screen according to the information displayed on different screens. The copilot can also use the central control screen to watch the MV and listen to the music.

Nonlocal multi-screen mode - users can realize the information interaction of mobile phone, computer and car terminal, e.g. planning the destination and path in advance at mobile phone or computer terminal, and sending such information directly to the car terminal before driving.

Navigation + windshield screen - in the future, the windshield is endowed with the attribute of displaying information, which can be turned into a larger displayer, loading various usefully aided driving information, e.g. dragging navigation information directly from the central control screen to the windshield screen for display.

④ Interaction + driver's side screen - the information interaction can be directly transmitted to the driver through the copilot or the passenger. For example, rear seat passengers can drag the answering or selective operation to the driver's side screen through the rear seat display screen.

Car window interaction

"Movement" of holographic housekeeper - the cross-screen operation can be achieved through different positions of holographic screen. For example, the housekeeper in the front seat can appear in the back seat and interact with the passengers. It is not only suitable for open cars, but also more convenient for information transmission in the closed front seat and back seat.

Mobile entertainment + sunroof display screen - the mobile screen and all screens in the car can be linked across client terminals. Of course, the mobile entertainment system will increase more entertainment combined with the sunroof display screen of the car. For example, movies and hand games can be projected to the sunroof display screen, and passengers can enjoy the pleasure of larger screen operation while lying in the car.

3、Multi-screen Interactive Development Trend in 3-5 Years Later

Cross-screen layout:

the central position screen is set up; the copilot and rear seat entertainment systems are added; the HMI design considers more service and experience needs of fellow passengers

Cross-screen layout

Screen area division for personnel in the car

Screen area division for personnel in the car

Information distribution carried by screens:

this can strengthen and improve entertainment and social contact related information and services, and improve the usage experience of the driver, copilot and rear seat passengers

Information distribution carried by screens

4、Multi-screen Interactive Development Trend in 5 Years Later

Cross-screen layout:

the holographic augmented reality information system of the front windshield is the main trend of HMI in the car in 5 years

Cross-screen layout

Information distribution carried by screens

Information distribution carried by screens

With the continuous introduction of intelligent technology in the cars, the intelligent vehicle system under the Internet of Vehicles can provide more and more for users, bringing more and more overall cross-platform experience. Building a seamless experience between multiple terminals of the vehicle system and other intelligent systems will provide an infinite imagination space for designers.

With the continuous development of the screen, there is higher resolution, more accurate reduction degree, larger viewing angle, thinner thickness. With the emergence of technologies of curved screen and special-shaped full screen also bring about a subversive change to the screen. The combination of the screen and the interior design is the best performance mode of HMI, and the satisfaction of the demand is the final development direction of the large screen in the car. Both the size and future development of the screen technology are worth looking forward to, which will certainly be far beyond our imagination.


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